Layout sketchup 2016
Layout sketchup 2016

  • In the Save As box, type a name that will begin each image file you export.
  • An export dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure.
  • From the menu bar, select File > Export.
  • layout sketchup 2016

    The images are exported to the location you selected in Step 2. Deselect the Show Export in Image Viewer checkbox if you don’t want to open the images in this program. (Optional) By default, your exported images open in your default image viewer.

    layout sketchup 2016

    These three settings are constrained so, for example, changing the width automatically adjusts the height to maintain the image’s aspect ratio. (Optional) To change the size and resolution of your exported images, enter a new width or height value or type your desired resolution.To print a page range, select the From/To radio button and enter the page range that you want to export. (Optional) In the Pages area, select whether you want to export all the document pages (the default) or just a page range.The Image Export Options dialog box appears. From the Save As Type drop-down list, select PNG or JPEG.If you export multiple images, LayOut exports a number to each image in the series, such as Green Vale Homes_1.png, Green Vale Homes_2.png, and so on. In the File Name box, type a name that will begin each image file you export.Navigate to the location where you want to save your images.The Export Images dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure. From the menu bar, select File > Export > Images.Whether you need a high-quality print or just printouts of your pages for your audience to take notes, LayOut includes printing options to help you create just the printout you need. You can also export your LayOut document to a DWG or DXF file, either of which is compatible with popular CAD programs.

    #Layout sketchup 2016 pdf

    Or you can make a PDF that your audience can download from the web or as an email attachment.

    layout sketchup 2016

    You can export your document pages as JPEG or PNG image files that you can display on web pages.

  • Upload a document online or attach it to an email.
  • Here are other ways you can share your document: You can present your work on-screen, but that isn’t always enough. Tip: Inserted SketchUp files can now contain Dashed Lines, to learn more about managing those new line types with inserted files, see Working with SketchUp Dashes in Imported ModelsĪfter you work hard to create and polish a LayOut document, you want your document to go out into the world and make its mark.

    Layout sketchup 2016